Concise Accountancy

Accountants and Registered Auditors

Confirmation statement

Company name

Your company name is your business name and in some cases, they are your brand name. You can change your company name with Companies House. The Registrar of Companies will issue the certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name after your name change application is successful.

Confirmation Statement

Consequently, you will need to know which company names to enter in your confirmation statement CS01 form. Especially, when you do paper filing.

So, which one? your old name or the new ones? It’s depends on the made up date of your confirmation statement. And also the official date of your new name become legally binding. In other words, look at the date printed on your certificate of incorporation on change of name.

Basically, enter the name as at the confirmation statement date.

Fill in the old company name

For example, your confirmation statement date is 18 January 2019. After that you changed your company name from EXCEL SERVICE LTD to BEST IN TOWN LTD.

Subsequently, you received the certificate of change of name with BEST IN TOWN LTD from Companies House on 28 January 2019. For this purpose, you enter EXCEL SERVICE LTD on your confirmation statement.

Enter new name

Use the same example, your confirmation statement date is 31 January 2019. You submit your company name change application before your confirmation statement date. Subsequently, you received your certificate of change of name on 28 January 2019. In this case, you enter BEST IN TOWN LTD in your confirmation statement.

On the other hand, It is better to use the Companies House web filing system to submit your confirmation statement. Why? less human errors. There are built in check to prompt you if there is an error.

Universally, change of name does not alter your company original registration number.

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